Political Action

A record number of six women joined the race for President in 2020: the most in history.


We’re elevating the voices of women in politics. We educate voters, endorse candidates, and mobilize volunteers so NOW-backed campaigns win.


We’re committed to increasing women’s representation.

We educate voters on the women’s rights credentials of candidates and work to elect pro-choice leaders. Our work is paying off. Women now make up 23% of Congress and 31% of our New York State legislature. Get the stats on the historic number of women holding elected office now.

keep domestic abusers out
fight for paid family - CMCO
Phonebanking - CMCO
For Women For equality

Are you ready to change hearts & minds?

Make sure you can vote

If you’re not yet registered to vote, change that. Learn more about registration deadlines and guidelines. Find information regarding your voter registration status and polling location. On election day, make a plan: identify your polling location, choose a convenient time for you to head to the polls, and then vote!


Get the guide to student voting

Students often face added barriers to voting simply due to a lack of understanding about how or where to register when they are not living at home. The Campus Vote Project provides an excellent state-by-state guide to help students get registered and answer questions any student may have about their voter eligibility.


Who we endorse.

CMCO endorses pro-choice, pro-women’s rights candidates who are committed to standing up for the women and girls of New York.

Local candidates

CMCO endorses candidates who represent voters living in New York City at the state and city level. This includes candidates seeking citywide office, City Council seats, or those representing any of the five boroughs in the New York State Assembly or New York State Senate. Reach out to [email protected] or call 212.627.9895 for more information.

State and federal candidates

NOW New York State is the point-of-contact for candidates seeking statewide office, State Assembly or Senate seats representing voters outside of New York City, or those seeking Congressional seats. Reach out to [email protected] or call 212.627.9895 for more information.

Questions? Email [email protected] to learn more about becoming a CMCO endorsed candidate.

Thinking About Running for Office?

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Resisting Trump

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